Obligatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Title*: Max. 150 characters with spaces; Italic, Greek letters or any other special characters are not acceptable; Greek letters can be used as “alpha”, “beta”, etc.
Authors*: Please input names of the authors formatted as FIRSTNAME INITIAL LASTNAME. Use '+' and '-' icons to add or remove authors.
Affiliations*: Department or Division, University or Institute, Street 123, ZIP-City, Country.
You must fill affiliation for every author. Be consistent, "Ruđer Bošković Institute", "Rudjer Boskovic Institute", "Institut Ruđer Bošković"... may be a same thing for a human, but not for a computer.
E-mail*: E-mail of the presenting author.
Keywords*: Max. 5 words or short phrases separated with commas.
Abstract text*: Upload a DOCX file containing the body of the abstract as text only, formatted as a single paragraph; max. 3000 characters with spaces; font: Arial, size: 11. It is possible to replace the text file until the deadline for abstract submission.
See example of a proper abstract upload.
Besides MS Word 2007+, docx is supported by OpenSource office suites (e.g. Libre Office). For users of older MS Office products (2003) there is a compatibility pack.
References: Max. 3 references in a short format:
1. John Smith et al., J. Irrep. Res. 5 (2015) 25-250.
2. Ivo Ivin et al., J. Reproduc. Res. 3 (2015) 1234-1256.
3. Pero Perin et al., Inter. J. Failed Exp. 378 (2010) 678-789.
Please use this space also to include acknowledgments if necessary:
This research was supported by Ministry of microscopy. The aid of Dr. White and Dr. Green is gratefully acknowledged.
Figure: Upload only one file, which can contain several images. The figure will be resized to fit into an area of 5×7 inches (12.5 × 17.5 cm) at 200 dpi and printed as a grey-level image. Maximal size is therefore approximately 1000 × 1400 pixels. Acceptable formats are JPEG and TIFF.
Figure caption: Maximum 250 characters with spaces.
Fig. 1. This figure measures 2000 × 3000 pixels and will be down-sampled.
Session and the type of contribution*: Please chose between oral and poster.
Abstract resubmission must be done through 'My Profile' link in the header (you must be logged in).